丁劲松 中共党员 中南大学,湘雅药学院,教授 博士生导师,湘雅药学院药剂学系主任,长沙晶易医药科技有限公司创始人。 |

2003/09-2007/06 |
中南大学,药学院,药剂学系,博士 |
导师:李元建 |
1997/09-2000/06 |
华西医科大学(现四川大学),药学院,硕士 |
导师:蒋学华 |
1990/09-1994/06 |
华西医科大学(现四川大学),药学院,学士 |
2014/09-至今 |
中南大学,湘雅药学院,教授 |
2007/10-2014/08 |
中南大学,湘雅药学院,副教授 |
2004/06-2007/09 |
中南大学,湘雅药学院,讲师 |
2000/07-2004/05 |
中南大学,湘雅二医院,主管药师 |
1994/07-1997/09 |
湖南医科大学(现中南大学),湘雅三医院,药师 |
Ø 科研项目:
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,82073799,协同调控Cu2+与上皮间质转化的双硫仑纳米配位载体用于转移性三阴性乳腺癌的治疗,2021/01/01-2024/12/31,55万,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81573374,药物相互作用对共包载盐霉素和siRNA纳米给药系统抗肿瘤效应的影响及其分子机制研究,2016/01-2019/12,60万元,主持
3. 国家十二五重大专项,2012ZX09103101-051,基于Procaspase-3激活的1.1类抗肺癌新药SM-1的成药性研究,2012/01-2015/12,150万元,主持
4. 国家十二五重大专项,2012ZX09201201-001,感冒灵颗粒组方合理性研究,2012/01-2015/12,139万元,主持
Ø 发明专利:
1. 罗声娟,王征,丁劲松,王培琦,马小倩. 羧基化聚乳酸羟基乙酸包裹PFOB纳米超声造影剂的制备方法[p]. 中国专利: 107362374A, 2017-11-21
2. 李岱,丁劲松. 一种双氯芬酸二乙胺的制备工艺 [p]. 中国专利: 105601525A, 2016-05-25
3. 李岱,丁劲松,王鑫. 一种他克莫司类脂质体及其凝胶和制备方法[p]. 中国专利: 105232462A, 2016-01-13
4. 李岱,丁劲松,王鑫. 一种他克莫司类脂质体及其凝胶和制备方法[p]. 中国专利: 105232462B, 2017-04-05
5. 陈翔,丁劲松,匡叶红.甲氨喋呤和ABC抑制剂在制备治疗银屑病药物中的用途[p]. 中国专利: 101926996B, 2013-02-13
6. 陈翔,丁劲松,张江林. 一种治疗婴幼儿浅表血管瘤的盐酸普萘洛尔凝胶[p]. 中国专利: 102871956A, 2013-01-16
7. 陈翔,丁劲松,张江林. 一种治疗婴幼儿浅表血管瘤的盐酸普萘洛尔凝胶[p]. 中国专利: 102871956B, 2014-03-05
8. 陈翔,丁劲松,匡叶红.甲氨喋呤和ABC抑制剂在制备治疗银屑病药物中的用途[p]. 中国专利: 101926996A, 2010-12-29
Ø 参编专著:
51. Peng Liu, Yanbin Zhou, Xinyi Shi, Yu Yuan, Ying Peng, Jinsong Ding, Yong Li*, and Wenhu Zhou*, A Cyclic Nano-reactor Achieving Enhanced Photodynamic Tumor Therapy by Reversing Multiple Resistances, J. Nanobiotechnol., 2021, 19, 149
50. Peng Liu, Xinyi Shi, Shenghui Zhong, Ying Peng, Yan Qi, Jinsong Ding, Wenhu Zhou*, Metal-phenolic networks for cancer theranostics, Biomater. Sci., 2021,9, 2825-2849
49. Shenghui Zhong, Peng Liu, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, Hyaluronic Acid-Coated MTX-PEI Nanoparticles for Targeted Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy, Crystals, 2021, 11(4), 321-334
48. Yang Xi, Xin Xie, Ying Peng, Peng Liu, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, DNAzyme-adsorbed polydopamine@MnO2 core–shell nanocomposites for enhanced photothermal therapy via the self-activated suppression of heat shock protein 70, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 5125-5135
47. Peng Liu, Xin Xie, Miao Liu, Shuo Hu, Jinsong Ding, Wenhu Zhou*, A Smart MnO2 Doped Graphene Oxide Nanosheet for Enhanced Chemo-Photodynamic Combinatorial Therapy via Simultaneous Oxygenation and Glutathione Depletion, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2021, 11, 823-834
46. Yihua Yang, Lina Guo, Zhe Wang, Peng Liu, Xuanjun Liu, Jinsong Ding, Wenhu Zhou*, Targeted silver nanoparticles for rheumatoid arthritis therapy via macrophage apoptosis and Re-polarization, Biomaterials, 2021, 246, 120390
45. Lina Guo, Yang Chen, Ting Wang, Yu Yuan, Yihua Yang, Xiaoli Luo, Shuo Hu, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, Rational design of metal-organic frameworks to deliver methotrexate for targeted rheumatoid arthritis therapy, Journal of Controlled Release, 2021, 330, 119-131
44. Ze Mi#, Lina Guo#, Peng Liu#, Yan Qi, Zhichao Feng, Jiahao Liu, Zhenhu He, Xiao Yang, Shengnan Jiang, Jianzhen Wu, Jinsong Ding, Wenhu Zhou*, and Pengfei Rong*, “Trojan Horse” Salmonella Enabling Tumor Homing of Silver Nanoparticles via Neutrophil Infiltration for Synergistic Tumor Therapy and Enhanced Biosafety, Nano letters, 2021, 21, 1, 414–423
43. Yingcai Meng, Yuan Chen, Jiaojiao Zhu, Yan Qi, Jinsong Ding, Wenhu Zhou*, Polarity Control of DNA Adsorption Enabling Surface Functionalization of CuO Nanozyme for Targeted Tumor Therapy, Materials Horizons, 2021, 8, 972-986
42. Peng Liu, Xuanjun Liu, Yan Cheng, Shenghui Zhong, Xinyi Shi, Shengfeng Wang, Jinsong Ding, Wenhu Zhou*, Core-Shell Nanosystems for Self-Activated Drug-Gene Combinations against Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 48, 53654-53664
41. Yunbo Nie, Dan Li, Ying Peng, Shengfeng Wang, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, Metal Organic Framework Coated MnO2 Nanosheets Delivering Doxorubicin and Self-activated DNAzyme for Chemo-gene Combinatorial Treatment of Cancer, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2020, 585, 1195
40. Ying Peng, Peng Liu, Yingcai Meng, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, Nanoscale Copper(II)-Diethyldithiocarbamate Coordination Polymer as Drug Self-delivery System for Highly Robust and Specific Cancer Therapy, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2020, 8, 2864-2873
39. Miao Liu, Ying Peng, Yunbo Nie, Peng Liu, Shuo Hu, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, Co-delivery of doxorubicin and DNAzyme using ZnO@polydopamine core-shell nanocomposites for chemo/gene/photothermal therapy, Acta Biomaterialia, 2020, 110, 242-253
38. Peng Liu, Xin Xie, Xinyi Shi, Ying Peng, Jinsong Ding and Wenhu Zhou*, Oxygen-Self-Supplying and HIF-1α-Inhibiting Core−Shell Nanosystem for Hypoxia-Resistant Photodynamic Therapy, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 48261−48270
37. Liang Li, Yingcai Meng, Ling Li, Shengfeng Wang, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, A Tetrahedral DNA Nanoflare for Fluorometric Determination of Nucleic Acids and Imaging of MicroRNA Using Toehold Strands, Microchimica Acta, 2019, 186, 824
36. Yang Yihua, Wang Zhe, Peng Ying, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, A Smart pH-Sensitive Delivery System for Enhanced Anticancer Efficacy via Paclitaxel Endosomal Escape, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2019, DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2019.00010
35. Xiaoli Luo, Xin Xie, Yingcai Meng, Taoli Sun, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, Ligands dissociation induced gold nanoparticles aggregation for colorimetric Al3+ detection, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2019, 1087, 9, 76-85
34. Shengfeng Wang, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, An aptamer-tethered, DNAzyme-embedded molecular beacon for simultaneous detection and regulation of tumor-related genes in living cells, Analyst, 2019, 144, 5098-5107
33. Liu Peng, Guo Binbin, Wang Shengfeng, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, A thermo-responsive and self-healing liposome-in-hydrogel system as an antitubercular drug carrier for localized bone tuberculosis therapy, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2019, 558, 101-109
32. Yang Chen, Cejun Yang, Juan Mao, Haigang Li, Ying, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, Spermine Modified Polymeric Micelles with pH-Sensitive Drug Release for Targeted and Enhanced Antitumor Therapy, RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 11026-11037
31. Yingcai Meng, Peng Liu, Wenhu Zhou*, Jinsong Ding*, Juewen Liu, Bioorthogonal DNA Adsorption on Polydopamine Nanoparticles Mediated by Metal Coordination for Highly Robust Sensing in Serum and Living Cells, ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 9070-9080
30. Peng Liu, Shengfeng Wang, Xuanjun Liu, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, Platinated graphene oxide: A nanoplatform for efficient gene-chemo combination cancer therapy, European journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 2018, 121, 319-329
29. Binbin Guo, Yuqiao Zhang, Shengfeng Wang, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, The pharmacokinetics of morphine and codeine in human plasma and urine after oral administration of Qiangli Pipa Syrup, Journal of forensic science, 2018, 63, 1221-1228
28. Shengfeng Wang, Chuantong Zhao, Peng Liu, Zhe Wang, Jinsong Ding* and Wenhu Zhou*, Facile construction of dual-targeting delivery system by using lipid capped polymer nanoparticles for anti-glioma therapy. RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 444–453
27. Yihua Yang, Yingcai Meng, Enbo Zhang, Jinsong Ding*, "A Facile Way to Increase the Cellular Uptake Efficiency of Hybrid Nanoparticles", Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology , 2018, 18, 4559-4564
26. Wenhu Zhou, Jinsong Ding and Juewen Liu*, "Splitting a DNAzyme enabling Na+-dependent FRET signal from the embedded aptamer", Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2017, 15, 6959-6966
25. Wenhu Zhou, Runjhun Saran, Jinsong Ding and Juewen Liu*, "Two Completely Different Mechanisms for Highly Specific Na+ Recognition by DNAzymes", ChemBioChem, 2017, 18, 1828-1835
24. Wenhu Zhou, Runjhun Saran, Po-Jung Jimmy Huang, Jinsong Ding and Juewen Liu*, "An Exceptionally Selective DNA Cooperatively Binding Two Ca2+ Ions", ChemBioChem, 2017, 18, 518-522.
23. Wenhu Zhou, Jinsong Ding and Juewen Liu*, "Theranostic DNAzymes", Theranostics, 2017, 7, 1010-1025
22. Wenhu Zhou, Jinsong Ding and Juewen Liu*, "2-Aminopurine-modified DNA homopolymers for robust and sensitive detection of mercury and silver", Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2017, 87, 171-177
21. Jing Tang , Jianming Li, Guo Li, Haitao Zhang, Ling Wang, Dai Li , Jinsong Ding*, "Spermidine-mediated poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles containing fluorofenidone for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis", International journal of nanomedicine, 2017, 12,6687-6704
20. Jianming Li, Juan Mao, Jing Tang, Guo Li,Fengling Fang,Yana Tang, Jinsong Ding*, "Surface spermidine functionalized PEGylatedpoly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles for tumor-targeted drug delivery", RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 22954-22963
19. Yanfen Chen, Meng Sun, Jinsong Ding*, Qubo Zhu*, "SM‑1, a novel PAC‑1 derivative, activates procaspase‑3 and causes cancer cell apoptosis", Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 2016, 78, 643-54,
18. Yuqiao Zhang, Dali Tian, Jinsong Ding*, "Pharmacokinetics evaluation of Shenfu injection in beagles after intravenous drip administration", Acta pharmaceutica sinica b , 2016, 6, 584-592
17. Wenhu Zhou, Jinsong Ding and Juewen Liu*, "A highly specific sodium aptamer probed by 2-aminopurine for robust Na+ sensing", Nucleic Acids Research, 2016, 44, 10377-10385
16. Wenhu Zhou, Tianmeng Yu, Mahsa Vazin, Jinsong Ding and Juewen Liu*, "Cr3+ Binding to DNA Backbone Phosphate and Bases: Slow Ligand Exchange Rates and Metal Hydrolysis", Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55, 8193–8200
15. Wenhu Zhou, Jinsong Ding and Juewen Liu*, "A Selective Na+ Aptamer Dissected by Sensitized Tb3+ Luminescence", ChemBioChem, 2016, 17, 1563–1570
14. Wenhu Zhou, Mahsa Vazin, Tianmeng Yu Jinsong Ding and Juewen Liu*, "In Vitro Selection of Chromium-Dependent DNAzymes for Sensing Cr(III) and Cr(VI)", Chemistry, a European Journal, 2016, 22, 9835-9840
13. Wenhu Zhou, Yupei Zhang, Jinsong Ding* and Juewen Liu*, "In Vitro Selection in Serum: RNA-Cleaving DNAzymes for Measuring Ca2+ and Mg2+", ACS Sensors, 2016, 1, 600-606
12. Wenhu Zhou, Jinsong Ding and Juewen Liu*, "An Efficient Lanthanide-Dependent DNAzyme Cleaving 2’-5’ Linked RNA", ChemBioChem, 2016, 17, 890-894
11. Wenhu Zhou, Runjhun Saran, Qingyun Chen, Jinsong Ding and Juewen Liu*, "A New Na+-Dependent RNA-Cleaving DNAzyme with over 1000-fold Rate Acceleration by Ethanol", ChemBioChem, 2016, 17, 159-163
10. Wenhu Zhou, Yupei Zhang, Po-Jung Jimmy Huang, Jinsong Ding, and Juewen Liu*, "A DNAzyme requiring two different metal ions at two distinct sites", Nucleic Acids Research, 2016, 44, 354-363
9. Wenhu Zhou, Jinsong Ding* and Juewen Liu*, "A platinum shell for ultraslow ligand exchange: unmodified DNA adsorbing more stably on platinum than thiol and dithiol on gold", Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 12084-12087
8. Wenhu Zhou, Qingyun Chen, Po-Jung Jimmy Huang, Jinsong Ding* and Juewen Liu*, "DNAzyme Hybridization, Cleavage, Degradation and Sensing in Undiluted Human Blood Serum", Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87, 4001–4007
7. Zhenbao Liu, Huanzhe Zhao, Lingyun He, Yao Yao, Yanbin Zhou, Jianping Wu, Juewen Liu* and Jinsong Ding*, "Aptamer density dependent cellular uptake of lipid-capped polymer nanoparticles for polyvalent targeted delivery of vinorelbine to cancer cells", RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 16931-16939
6. Jing Tang, Zhenbao Liu, Yue Zhang, Ling Wang, Dai Li, Jinsong Ding*, Xuehua Jiang* , "Fluorofenidone-loaded PLGA microspheres for targeted treatment of paraquat-induced acute lung injury in rats", RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 30153-30159
5. Zhenbao Liu, Shanshan Chen, Biwu Liu, Jianping Wu, Yanbin Zhou, Lingyu He, Jinsong Ding* and Juewen Liu*, "Intracellular Detection of ATP Using an Aptamer Beacon Covalently Linked to Graphene Oxide Resisting Nonspecific Probe Displacement", Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 12229-35
4. Wenhu Zhou, Feng Wang, Jinsong Ding* and Juewen Liu*, "Tandem Phosphorothioate Modifications for DNA Adsorption Strength and Polarity Control on Gold Nanoparticles", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 14795-14800
3. Wenhu Zhou, Po-Jung Jimmy Huang, Jinsong Ding* and Juewen Liu*, "Aptamer-based biosensors for biomedical diagnostics", Analyst, 2014, 139, 2627-2640
2. Wenhu Zhou, Yanbin Zhou, Jianping Wu, Zhenbao Liu, Huanzhe Zhao, Juewen Liu*, and Jinsong Ding*. "Aptamer-nanoparticle bioconjugates enhance Intracellular delivery of vinorelbine to breast cancer cells", Journal of Drug Targeting, 2014, 22(1): 57-66
1. Wenhu Zhou, Shiying He, Yijun Yang, Dan Jian, Xiang Chen*, and Jinsong Ding*," Formulation, characterization and clinical evaluation of propranolol hydrochloride gel for transdermal treatment of superficial infantile hemangioma”, Drug development and industrial pharmacy, 2015, 41 (7), 1109-1119